Fun on a Shoestring
Do you have a great group of individuals working in your organisation? You may be proud of their ability and achievements and believe that they make a significant contribution to your business success. However, to be truly successful in your field you need to make sure that these individuals work cohesively as part of a team, as this is where the real strength is.
If you engage in meaningful and fun team activities, then you will notice exponential gains as everybody will be more successful and productive both with their own duties and as part of the greater good. We are happy to help – explore our carefully crafted fun group activities.
Meaningful and fun team activities
Fun on a Shoestring
Do you have a great group of individuals working in your organisation? You may be proud of their ability and achievements and believe that they make a significant contribution to your business success. However, to be truly successful in your field you need to make sure that these individuals work cohesively as part of a team, as this is where the real strength is.
If you engage in meaningful and fun team activities, then you will notice exponential gains as everybody will be more successful and productive both with their own duties and as part of the greater good. We are happy to help – explore our carefully crafted fun group activities.
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When you introduce some fun group activities, your employees will find that their own skills complement those of others and can be harnessed within a more productive leadership structure. It’s important, however, to work on this and not expect it to happen naturally, by introducing a variety of fun corporate events on an ongoing basis.
Our organisation can help yours as we are very experienced in designing and integrating corporate team building games. We put together some memorable team building activities that are tailor-made to work for your group and we will always listen to your specific needs and requirements. Our fun group activities provide so many fond memories for your people that they go back to work with a whole new level of inspiration.
More about Fun company events
Whether you are looking to strenghten the cooperation between your team members, create a challenge for them or just have a fun day out, we are happy to provide you with more information about all the fun events we offer. Take a look at the events listed on this site, learn more about some of the events or contact us to discuss your specific requirements with a member of our team.
More about our fun team building activities
This may look like organised chaos but in order to be successful at this game, your people will need to work together as a team. Once they are dressed up in a massive inflatable bubble, the objective is to get a small ball across the line and into the opponent’s net. It may feel clumsy, but it brings teamwork to the fore and even though it may look very physical, it’s nevertheless quite easy and safe. The team is divided into small groups and the rest will sit on the sidelines while they enjoy a picnic lunch. They can then learn by watching the others play away. All equipment is supplied, and beer and wine are optional.
As fun team building activities go, this one is tasty! Help your people imagine that they are Tom Cruise in that epic film as they learn how to mix cocktails at a private function room. While you will be taught the basics by an expert instructor, you can always do your own thing and try to create a masterpiece of your own. Finish the evening off by heading for dinner or to a cocktail bar with your newfound knowledge.
If you’ve ever watched the famous Oxford versus Cambridge boat race, you know how difficult this is, but your team will have an opportunity to try this for themselves in their own, fun team building activity. They will have to steer a boat down a racecourse in proper unison, on the beat of a drummer while being directed by an accredited sweeper. The boat looks the part as well, as it is adorned with Chinese tails and dragon heads for full spectacle. This is the ultimate definition of teamwork and it is fully supported by a first aid crew and expert management.
Set off into the urban jungle on this fantastic, team building event. Your team will visit famous landmarks and places of interest along the way while being on the lookout for clues and helping to solve various puzzles throughout the course. You may think that this needs to be done in the shortest amount of time possible but your teams should not forget the importance of strategic planning as well.
This is the chance for your team members to become a sleuth or to imagine that they are Sherlock Holmes for the occasion. You can gather at a suitably haunting location or another venue of your choice to take part in this dinner party with a twist. A murder mystery will unfold during dinner and participants will need to refer to their evidence, including character notes, money for bribes, and props, to see if they can figure out who was responsible. You may get to see another side of your fellow teammates but might not be able to hide your secret for long!
Melbourne has a variety of stunning parks and gardens and this event takes place in just such an authentic background. Your team will spread out with a delicious variety of food, washed down by ice-cold beers and sparkling wine as they enjoy the outdoor life. They then participate in some old-fashioned lawn games such as bocce ball or Jenga and, for those with plenty of energy, a tug-of-war challenge or a sack race. This is the perfect bonding environment and something that you can theme to your heart’s content if you want to.
You may have heard of the world-famous prison cells located within the posh Royal Melbourne Hotel. Your team will get to visit them as they participate in a prison challenge, designed to test their mental prowess and strategy calls. They will need to decipher some important clues while making friends with the authentic guards and their objective may be to steal their master key so that they can break out and get back to the real world. Make no mistake, this will bring their problem-solving skills, leadership ability and methods of communication to the fore and they will certainly earn their lunch or dinner at the conclusion.
This fun, team building activity takes your group into the wild outdoors and specifically, the Dandenong Ranges. Here, they will find a range of challenges and courses that will certainly get the pulse racing through a series of aerial challenges. Don’t worry, however, as they are fully strapped in and get a comprehensive safety briefing from expert instructors before they take part in a two-hour tree surfing adventure. Your group can be split into individual teams to see who can finish the course first. While some challenges are easy, others are a bit more daunting and may require the encouragement and support of colleagues.
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